Sunday 29 January 2017

Guide on how to fill water in Forklift Battery

The conventional lead-acid battery comprises o fa liquid “electrolyte” which is a combination of water and sulphuric acid. Each cell present in a battery settle on within its own vented container often called as “jar”. This jar is used to provide active material bathed in electrolyte whilst small quantities of oxygen and hydrogen gases present there are freely released. These gases are used to identify the breakdown products of water and suggest that water is being used up to a few degrees and need to replace.

Mostly, a lead acid battery does not require much of the maintenance. It quantities to a periodic checking of the electrolyte degree and water additions weekly, or less most often relying on individual duty cycles. An aftermarket watering procedure, hooked up to the battery in place of the vent caps simplifies this method even further.

Some questions on battery watering:

What kind of acid supposed to add in a battery?

Don’t add any type of acid in a battery. Under normal conditions, a forklift battery only loses water in the form of oxygen, hydrogen and vapour. So you need to add water only. In a case, if the battery’s cells have lost acid, then you are advised to call a trained battery technician.

Why does forklift battery overflow?

The forklift battery overflows occasionally. If you are noticing this kind of problem, then follow the two- step process:

·         Before charging your forklift battery make sure to add water up to a mark showing low liquid level.
·         After completion of a charging, add water up to a level showing vent opening barrel. In other words, add water about the ¾ inch beyond the top of the cell.

These two steps will prevent overflow. Step first reveals that the electrolyte level has not gone too low and uncovered the plates to air for the charge cycle. Step second, pushes the level up to full height at a time when unintentional overfilling would not be the main issue.

Is distilled water required to add in the forklift battery?

The answer is no. Adding tap water in a battery is sufficient. I get more knowledge about the areas where the hard water is required to add, please consult the battery manufacturer.

Can I charge a battery without adding caps after watering?

Please, don’t do such type of mistake. Caps are not required to prevent foreign material from entering in the battery. In fact, these are required to stop loss of acid mist during its charging.

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